
World Wildlife Day 2015: How many will heed its call to arms?

March 3, 2015 is World Wildlife Day.  It’s a day for humans around the world to raise awareness on how and why the Earth’s wildlife is disappearing.  Some of you may have seen photos on social media and shared with your friends. Some of you may have made podcasts hoping that your message will be heard by others who care about our wildlife friends.  And some of you may have already done what I am doing now; writing words in a blog hoping that their meanings will reach the minds of those who care or better yet, those that never knew they cared until now.

I am not expecting many views on this post.  If I get a dozen that would be amazing.  And if one of you manages to reach the end, well that would be fantastic.  The following is not meant to preach, scold or blame.  Instead I am hoping that on this very special day someone will at least think for a single moment about what is truly going on.

What is the point of having a World Wildlife Day you may be asking?  Well the most logical reason would be awareness.  By flooding the internet with information about the plight of animals that are at serious risk of extinction, organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and Humane Society International may raise funds to help their causes.  But another more subtle reason would be educating people about a particular animal.  For example, how many of you have heard of the Pangolins?   Did you know that this scaly looking anteater is the most trafficked mammal on the planet with about 1 million individuals poached over the last decade?  Research suggests that this harmless animal will become extinct before anyone really notices.

Unfortunately, it is doubtful that this one day will help the Pangolin or any other well-known endangered animal like the snow leopard or tiger.  But if this one day was heard as a “call to arms” – marking the first day humans stopped thinking of themselves as supreme - then maybe there is hope to stop extinction.

Think about this scenario for a moment.  What if humans stopped being selfish and worked together to reduce or even eliminate pollution?  What if humans started respecting all forms of life with a sense of equality?  Instead of hunting and torturing animals for fun, instead of destroying vast forests and ecosystems, humans actually learned to live with that which has always been there?!  If that truly happened, wouldn't that be the beginning of Utopia?  Scientists and governments have proven that when pollution is reduced and sound management policies are enacted, good things happen - Bald Eagle, California Condor, cleaner air quality, reduction in acid rain.  By changing how humans live their daily lives and treat the animals and environment living beside them, life will become healthier.  And World Wildlife Day 2015 can be the first day to that healthier day!!!

But what will happen if humans never take that first step toward Utopia?  Did you know, and this has been outlined in many documentaries and computer models, that if human beings ceased to exist right now, nothing bad will happen? Planet Earth will carry on and be happier for it.  Pollution will end! Destruction will end! Poaching will end!  The Earth and all her inhabitants, minus humans, will thrive and flourish.  

Right now when an animal or plant species falls to extinction because of humans, and sorry it is always because of humans, someone out there will remember that species.  But when humans eventually fall to extinction due to their greed and selfishness and God-like complex, will any species living on the planet remember?  If humans don’t start doing what is right for Mother Earth, some day – not now but some day – all that will be left of the human race is a fleck of dust that no life form will remember what it ever belonged to.


Major victory for seals

The World Trade Organization upheld the European Union ban on seal products.  This major victory for animal advocates is a big blow to Canadian Seal Hunt supporters.  Could it be that the Canadian Seal Hunts will soon be a thing of the past?


Family of healthy lions killed at Copenhagen Zoo

Copenhagen Zoo killed a family of four healthy lions Monday, March 24, 2014.  About a month earlier, this same zoo destroyed a young healthy giraffe. Since then animal advocates have been blasting the zoo's policies. But despite the negativity surrounding the zoo, officials killed four healthy endangered lions to make room for a new lion in their breeding program.

I am extremely disturbed by Copenhagen Zoo. These animals could easily have been relocated to other zoos and sanctuaries. But it seems like the officials running the zoo feel it's easier to kill them. Also, I get the impression Copenhagen Zoo cares more about money than animal welfare. I hope an international investigation is held very soon. If not, more animals will likely die.


Elephant death report and deer cull ring in new year

Tanzanian officials confirmed the number of elephant deaths during the last two months of 2013 rose to 60 after the suspension of the shoot to kill policy against poachers.

Washington DC confirmed the culling of over 100 white tail deer will begin as early as Jan 2nd and is expected to last thru March.


World Trade Organization upholds ban on seal products trade

Wonderful News!  The WTO upheld the European Union's ban on seal products trading. The ban was instituted in 2011 and both the Canadian and Norwegian governments challenged the ban. However, the challenge failed according to the official report issued today.


More tgan 80 elephants killed from cyanide poisoning

Its has been confirmed that poachers killed more than 80 elephants in Zimbabwe after poisoning a large water hole at Hwange National Park. So far five poachers have been arrested. This sad news for elephants is the latest in the fight against the ivory trade and illegal poaching.


Record number of rhinos slaughtered this year

Nearly 700 rhinos were killed by illegal poachers this year; up by 3% from 2012. And since there are still three months to go, the number of animals killed is expected to rise.  Government officials are expected to meet Thursday to discuss the growing problem of poaching at the UN. 


Baby elephant cries for hours after being rejected by mom

A newborn baby elephant cried for 5 hours after its mom rejected it and even tried to kill the baby twice. Staff at the sanctuary located in China could not comfort the poor infant elephant. Finally, a staff member got approval to adopt the baby.

This event occurred in August but just went viral over the past 48 hours. The most recent update says the baby is doing good.


Dozens of eagles killed by wind mills

Last week it was revealed that dozens of eagles, mostly Golden eagles, have been killed by wind mill turbines. The current number of killed eagles stands at 67 since 2009. However, this number is expected to be more since mortality rates are reported on a volunteery basis. Also, the largest wind mill farm in the country which is located in California is not included in this report.