The World Trade Organization upheld the European Union ban on seal products. This major victory for animal advocates is a big blow to Canadian Seal Hunt supporters. Could it be that the Canadian Seal Hunts will soon be a thing of the past?
Family of healthy lions killed at Copenhagen Zoo
Copenhagen Zoo killed a family of four healthy lions Monday, March 24, 2014. About a month earlier, this same zoo destroyed a young healthy giraffe. Since then animal advocates have been blasting the zoo's policies. But despite the negativity surrounding the zoo, officials killed four healthy endangered lions to make room for a new lion in their breeding program.
I am extremely disturbed by Copenhagen Zoo. These animals could easily have been relocated to other zoos and sanctuaries. But it seems like the officials running the zoo feel it's easier to kill them. Also, I get the impression Copenhagen Zoo cares more about money than animal welfare. I hope an international investigation is held very soon. If not, more animals will likely die.
Elephant death report and deer cull ring in new year
Tanzanian officials confirmed the number of elephant deaths during the last two months of 2013 rose to 60 after the suspension of the shoot to kill policy against poachers.
Washington DC confirmed the culling of over 100 white tail deer will begin as early as Jan 2nd and is expected to last thru March.